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Australia's Grassfed Beef Industry

Australia's beef industry has been a major contributor to the country's economy for decades, with beef being one of its top agricultural exports. The industry has experienced significant growth over the years, driven by factors such as increasing global demand for high-quality beef, favorable climate and natural resources, and advancements in technology and farming practices. This growth has led to Australia becoming one of the top beef-producing countries in the world, with an estimated 2.1 million beef cattle farms spread across the country.

Slice of Beef meat in the palm of a person

Most Australian cattle are raised and fattened exclusively on pasture. Variations in seasonal and geographic factors influence the style and quality of grassfed beef. As demand for natural, wholesome foods increases globally, Australian grassfed beef is being seen as an important component of a healthy diet. This results in leaner and more flavorful meat compared to grain-fed beef. slaughter. Raised exclusively on pasture, Australian grassfed beef is naturally low in fat and cholesterol, while offering a higher level of Omega 3 fatty acids, thought to lower blood pressure and reduce the risks of certain types of cancers. For these reasons, consumers are increasingly seeking out lean, grassfed meats.

Grain-fed beef is derived from cattle that have been fed on nutritionally balanced, high-energy-finished rations for a minimum specified number of days. This feeding regime results in a more consistent product and enhanced marbling that contributes to improved tenderness, juiciness and flavour. Grain-fed beef from Australia generally yields more consistent fat and meat colour. Typical feeding regimes in Australia are: short-fed (100 to 150 days), medium-fed (150 to 200 days) and long-fed (200+ days). Australian grain-fed beef is highly regarded in many export markets, and Australia has developed a reputation for producing some of the best grain-fed beef in the world.

Australia's beef industry is also committed to sustainability, with many farms implementing sustainable practices to protect the land and reduce their carbon footprint. This includes initiatives such as water conservation, renewable energy use, and biodiversity protection. The industry is constantly investing in research and development to find innovative ways to improve sustainability and reduce its environmental impact.

93% of Australian households are regularly eating beef and 74% of households are regularly eating lamb.

Approximately 433,389 people were employed in the industry in 2021-22.

 A meat farmer in a hat looks out over a field where sheep are grazing, with trees in the background under a clear sky.

Australians consumption of red meat is in line with Australian Dietary Guidelines.

Australians consumption of red meat is in line with amounts recommended for good health in the Australian Dietary Guidelines.

Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend 65g per day of lean, cooked red meat, and Australians currently consume an average of 57g per day.

Source: Good Meat AU


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